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Winter season 2018/2019

December 16, 2018 to Easter mondat April 17, 2019

The following booking conditions apply: Minimum lenght of stay: 3 night. Arrival and departure: daily

    [email protected]

    Reservation hotline: +1 800 1234 556

    Why do you need us?

    Safety comes first

    We know what it's like to learn these sports without proper help. Both skiing and
    snowboarding are dangerous sports when you do not have the knowledge and training to
    control the equipment. Our licensed instructors are ready to teach you how to avoid
    unpleasant incidents on the slopes, how to fall and how to get up, and how to control the
    board / skis. The correct order of the priorities of a ski / snowboard class is: safety, fun,
    learning and passion. In order to come to love these sports, you must first learn to keep
    yourself and others safe in the first place and feel good while practicing and gradually reach
    your goals.



    A ski resort can look like a playground or a dangerous area, depending on the eye of the beholder. Our job as instructors is to help everyone take part in this environment in complete safety. To do this, we at Splash know and understand the potential dangers of the slope and, more than anything else, we are prepared to make our students aware of them at the right time. This way, you will be comfortable and be able to push your limits safely!


    Your fun comes first, this being the main goal of winter sports. Achievements are an equally important part of skiing and snowboarding, and we focus on setting goals in relation to your level, so that you will have a unique experience, tailored to your needs, instead of a standard, impersonal lesson. Enthusiasm is where the magic actually happens and where the addiction sets in!


    Whether you are familiar with these wonderful sports, or have been friends for a while, but want to get to know each other better, we are here to help you evolve. Everyone is looking for something different when it comes to sliding on the snow. Some seek to learn only what is strictly necessary in order to enjoy a few days on the slope each season, while others are motivated to reach the perfect turn. Before each session, the instructor will ask you what your current level is and what level you want to reach, so that we can customize the teaching method according to your purpose.


    contact us

    for more details

    Got a question you want to ask us? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

    our client’s



    It was the first time I was in the resort of Poiana Brașov and all the members of my family really enjoyed the time we spent there! It was amazing, from the very beginning to the last day. Thank you for your service, your team of warm, pleasant and professional people. We really appreciate it!

    Shania Olsen

    Shania Olsen

    Clientă a școlii Splash

    It’s always nice to come back here. First of all, I can improve my skills in a safe, comfortable and fun environment. And, of course, I can always spend quality time here enjoying the best company and the most professional instructors. I really appreciate the effort to create a welcoming environment!

    Elena Huțanu

    Elena Huțanu

    Clientă a școlii Splash

    Sunt un vizitator obișnuit și un membru activ al comunității de ski din stațiunea Poiana Brașov și vă recomand întotdeauna tuturor prietenilor mei. Voi sunteți cei de la care poți învăța cum să schiezi sau să faci snowboard, să te bucuri de freeride și pur și simplu să te distrezi cât mai bine! Atmosfera creeată de Marian și de Radu este excelentă!

    Paul Achim

    Paul Achim

    Membru activ al comunității de ski

    A fost prima oară când am fost în stațiunea Poiana Brașov și tuturor membrilor familiei mele le-a plăcut enorm timpul pe care l-am petrecut acolo! A fost uimitor, de la bun început și până în ultima zi. Vă mulțumim pentru serviciile oferite, echipa dumneavoastră de oameni calzi, plăcuți și profesioniști. Apreciem mult!

    Ioana Popenici

    Ioana Popenici

    Asistentă medicală